The band is broken up,but orange forever!最终季全程泪崩说不出口的再见谢谢七年的陪伴皮皮有张字母表from A to Z澳门风云高清下载是选择一团乱麻的最初还是走向风光无限的未来监狱一轮游后人生已不能任性地于两条平行线间跳房子You're not a detour from my life,you're life.千帆过尽浮华褪去不会再有别人能让你百爪挠心you guys are two fxxked up peas in a pod.
2014.7.14 "We do not know how big the crowd is, and what opposition it is....until we get out of step with it." & "MONTHS...ENDLESS MONTHS.The crowd laughs with you always....but it will cry with you for only a day." 好像是记忆里最难过的一个生日