女人杀人是为了解决问题而不是制造问题弱势群体若得不到结构的帮助而是一如既往受压迫就会又见大小谎言般的girls help girlsfu~k patriarchy人物群像刻画的非常好各有各的弧光没有美美哒的角色她们是警探邓奴的视频IVK是市长邓奴的视频IVK是法医邓奴的视频IVK是律师她们都能做出自己的选择Deadloch是专属于女人的utopia
All the characters have depth and complexity. The way the story evolves and stretches itself out is amazing, touching on quite some themes, humanity, love, loyalty, the duality of good and evil, and chaos of all these during wartime, The story positions itself well in time.