拖沓蹭热点一个小的还算有趣的点子拖出来40分钟假装文艺片的拍摄故事的奇妙setting是唯一的看点没有任何惊喜十分无聊鸭子那一集还挺好看的神枪少女2可以有个三星最后一集也还行乖乖church girl最后说“We should fine more men to emotionally torment” 挺逗的整部剧只有这两集及格别的都啥玩意
This is a story about men and their glories. The sins of the fathers who bend their knees to the beautiful evil witch for the power and treasure will last get revenge from their sons they left behind. Beowulf is a truely hero within or out of the original Anglo-Saxon epic.