第一次从一部剧里学到太多东西包括跟家人的相处需要彼此尊重和磨合接受人生中的反复无常、不可得和不完美大概几天能察觉怀孕了就像Martin常安慰Frasier这就是生活啊Always look what good about life, and life can be so sweet! 一段感情如果一开始就看不到未来就不要开始一段感情无法继续就好好告别最后安逸的生活虽然让人流连忘返我们还是选择进入新的篇章 盐盐给我推荐的剧
Noooooo!!!! Jack died?!!!!! This season was even better than the last one tho!! The villains, the side characters, even the city!! Not that I don't love NY. This might be the best superhero show there is!!! (Or maybe it's the Flash but it's one of these two)