"It's tough 'cause I feel like there's nothing we can do about it." "We could read about it, we could get interested, we could educate ourselves and get involved in a solution." "This is the same as your work, Danny. Trying to get people interested in potentially life-saving information, that lies at the bottom of the sea, in the dark..."
"We fight for our family. While you American, you fight for the biggest nothing in the world."为了在异国的自由而战女子做核磁共振遇险:两次蜷腿求救是战士的原罪沿着湄南河用公路片的方式展现了启示录里的众生百态、人间炼狱逆流而上接受最后的审判Kurtz上校引述的T. S. Eliot的诗法国种植园主口中的史实光怪陆离的雨林明灭不定的光影 都让这段末日之旅变得更加可信也更加可怖渐变/烟雾转场教学集锦