第一集Greater men would be nailing right now. You know what I mean?有点脑子的话现在就去搞定她懂吗Tact. Look it up这叫欲擒故纵这两句翻译不敢苟同这里nail是个双关语nailing right now就是立马拍板(插入)下句Tact. Look it up承接上句不是欲擒故纵而是一锤定音(阴)或者当机(鸡)立断(出自伟人理论这里调侃pecey成天精虫冲脑要他没事多查字典或看书)还有第四集樯橹不是flag the bishop而是flog the bishop.多处bite me跟你咬我关系也不大它是一种粗口的相对文明的表达方式japanese versine教师相当于去死吧或你大爷
Let's all get together,and make bullying kill itself,bullying is an ugly thing,and lets shove its face in the dirt,and make bullying kill itself...Boy you like my body,dance the moon let's play.You can touch me anywhere,except for my vajayjay