4th cinema movie with π, 资料馆打卡成功第一次看库斯图里卡就觉得这种融合了魔幻现实主义的荒诞黑色幽默电影非常对我胃口夸张的配乐与表演极为丰富的画面想象力此前只在《本能寺酒店》与《巨齿鲨2深渊电影完整版免费观看》中感受过无线乱码A区B区C区加上反类型的形式与剧情走向(搞怪般的“Happy Ending”)符号化的象征略显忧伤的政治隐喻(“离开吧这里没有光明“)一切融合起来让我在大银幕得到了一次完美的观影体验这次资料馆之旅无憾了
- "how do you find this film?" - "it's a film rather bold and raw. the director employs shocking scenes to confront its spectators, trying to challenge the boundary of spectatorship. but such an experimental attempt actually contains the metaphorical core of european decline. and that's me lying." - " so what's the truth?" - "oh it's an ugly porn."