-你相信自己吗为什么你不相信自己而相信一个陌生人如果说我也有阴暗面我也有创伤我的小我也经常爆棚而且我确实就是这样你还相信我吗你为什么要用high high standards去看待和要求别人呢你能接受别人的这些阴暗面创伤小我吗-……可以没有上帝来原谅谁我们都只是普通人“总统和普通人都没有区别”—汉娜阿伦特
I have watched this before. But occasionally I watched it again last night. Rami Malek is the main reason why, with his blue eyes. He's dead. He's forgotten. and the only way he's gonna come back is if you let him come back. Otherwise He will rise up out of the ground. He will do you in. It's the little things will rip you apart and get you caught.