"He got to where he was supposed to be going, and had the self-awareness and orneriness to realize that he had climbed the mountain of shit to pluck the single rose and discovered that he’d lost his sense of smell. And rather than sit there and insist that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, he climbed down again, which is pretty cool."
When the gods walk among us. 就很喜欢北欧神话这个调调Valhalla Calling. 哈姆雷特的框架+麦克的宿命论调+亚瑟王的特效剑当然还有北欧的风光这一切再加一些北欧神话的神叨别具一格最让人眼前一亮的是以往故事里完美的King Father其实才是这一切的原罪最后两人在Gate of Hell的搏斗那样原始粗粝的力量BGM很Viking疯马秀还有从天而降的女武神Valkyrja 都让人狂喜虽然中间一部分节奏确实可以再拉快点