#Sofia Film Festival#看到《网吧门视频》得了个最佳导演奖在所有参赛片中算是实至名归的第一印象是《网吧门视频》比《给我免费播放片高清在线观看》进步或者说成熟很多周子阳懂得把人物放置到多层交织的社会环境里用镜头缔造断裂又黏连的空间再反作用于人物的行动而非孤立地展示断片式的行动也会把隐喻安放在连贯的叙事情境里而不是当作反复戏耍的文学性符号肺鱼胎儿恐龙大鹅这次超现实导演玩的很溜了俩演员也不错尤其喜欢杨子姗记得此片去年底参加海南岛电影节马基德也猛夸她
A very shallow metaphor of fatherless societal crisis. Growing up without a real father can never be compensated by anything including self-improvement and brotherhood. The single mother by design is harmless and useless as most real ones. The pathetic dragon is absolutely meaningless. It ruins the original core message in a breath.