It's all very pretty and moving, but it seems Petzold has the same tendency as his fellow European filmmakers born in postwar Europe of subsuming the complexity of historicity under preposterous melodrama and sentimentality...Nina Hoss is such a good actress though.
我发现最近看的大部分都是探讨原生家庭之间的母女关系想到现实生活中一位好友和女儿之间的关系剑拔弩张到了某一阶段或者任何阶段只是形式不同母女之间的压抑、操控、爱恨与扶持无时无刻不在我会感到窒息我会想离开但很多时候我选择了留下来But Dee Deeshe’s a devil and she’s got no sympathy on her side.