超喜欢这部剧哪个女孩想谈恋爱之前都可以看看这部剧骚可以以一个第三视角看看恋爱的对象是什么样子以及自己会发生哪些转变最后和自己的匹配度到底如何最近遇见了一个年纪不小还非常非常乖的中国女孩和一个剧情里很像的Augie的Taiwan Chinese American Hippie结婚生小孩这匹配真的“”我希望我身边的人都幸福但有些奇奇怪怪的组合确实让人担心 很喜欢最后女主认识到的那个“真命天子”在关系里有“合适”比那些单身身上光鲜亮丽打动人的点更重要也许我是错的也希望我是错的但是我觉得大部分男的喜欢乖女孩不是因为想为这个女孩好而是乖的女孩子更容易manipulate
like seriously thought that Shia labeouf would be able to carry on appearing in some fun action flicks, but this one was not that entertaining. it has some fun entertaning moments in the latter part of the film, but overall one can definitely sense that the film is rather a low budget film which one is not able to have too much anticipation for.