依然是带来思考的Donald Glover这季在表达上其实没有第三季那么外放回到亚特兰大更像是回到了原点在各自的精神孤岛漫游去触及人物内心状态的平衡一年两季实在满足不论是那些疯狂诡异还是407无比真挚的温柔都太好了It was all a dream又超越现实的荒诞对文化、社会话题和政治寓言的洞见早就很难用几个关键词去定义再再再说一遍Donald Glover牛逼
Gutted!Jesus Christ….这也太TM美好了太解压了; 不堆砌任何理论知识她只是的单纯的告诉你: zs shitty life/world is going to hell eventually, like clammy hands choking u to crash, smashing everything in ur hands, fking reality.(On the piss!?these comments on high horse,i just wish when they tumble off; don’t smack of their heads to the ground,plz: )that’s gross