"you remind me of him, you know it?" "I do? how?" "well, you were a member of rushmore's beekeepers, weren't you?" "yeah, I was the president of them." "He founded that club." 莫名其妙的就觉得这句台词真可爱 就像这部电影似的 wonderfully and cutely weird, intriguingly touching XD
家庭版9 to 5一开始就是69年四个姐妹从Middlebury毕业这也让最近特别沉迷那个年代的在没得去国外读书的我羡慕不已因为最近上课我一直在研究second wave of feminism对那个年代的各种civil rights movement以及年轻人的自由态度无比向往所以即使剧情不如9 to 5但是这部电影总体来说还算吸引我很巧的是我的final project需要我重看Mrs America解析然后我听到Battle Hymn of Women时想查这首歌就阴差阳错地搜了60s和70s的feminist songsYou Don‘t Own Me就是其中的一首在电影最后她们三个人一唱我就知道是那个年代的赋权歌了多么怀旧多么自由呀很难不打高一点分