we define things, not them us. whatever it means to you, hold on to it, you know it will stay true to you. "it's not your loss, it's san francisco's." "do you love it? you can't hate it unless you love it." there's no first, and thus no last. 导演首部长片对镜头的质感就是才气二字
影片像是结合了福尔摩斯和lie to me讲述通过微表情肢体动作加上利用罪犯的心理破案的故事曾经的江湖骗子因为妻女被害要追查凶手于是成为了警察的破案顾问男主角聪明且不按规则出牌深池H1VL1加上一个循规蹈矩的警察搭档虽然故事主线追查Red John很拖沓且禁不起推敲但每集男主各种小把戏还是可以博人一