C / 鬃毛零落花叶飘飞的一刻仿佛有Zima Blue式的美感然而这一刻的幻化却又显得有些虚浮——因为人物戴上这一身铠甲的过程本就太过自然而然了他们身体的变化被缩减为精神试炼同时这“面具”并无它沉重且陌异的“物”的一面仅仅是一个必然会证明意志强健的标记因此这灵光一闪更像是一种空虚中的无力提炼而非所试图捕捉的虚与实的瞬间共在或许还是被大半段想当然的拜师学艺故事给耽误了母亲とが话しています免费也被随时摊开每段回忆准备煽情的全知叙述耽误了而重心也渐渐坍缩于一种单一的“现实”(尽管能有这样的呈现已然不可多得)之中飞不起来了
They talked a lot, but never communicated, never look into the eyes of each other冰冷的念白单调的表情应该影响了布列松// There's nothing else in life but youth and love, unending tenderness and quiet happiness. When i'm near the grave and look back on my life, I'll say to myself,I suffered much and often made mistakes, but I have loved.Yesterday I ordered the headstone for my grave and i decided what shall be on it. Just two words: Amor Omnia. Love is All