@FilmForum To me not that much about racism. More about the exploration of the complexity of the humanity. About we get into our emotions that dictate our judgements or pov. About coming together, finding the commonality within each other, accepting not exploding the differences. It's a good movie because it actually gives you complicated people.
前半段还可以说是压缩版电视剧虽然质感差点儿也过于儿女情长到底还可看后半段就太疯了我知道张婉婷的见识不算深刻但也估不到竟然这么浅薄把政治人物言情化+幼稚化张曼玉在同年的甜蜜蜜里演技和这部判若两人国产又粗又猛又大爽又黄的老大爷只能说是编剧和导演的锅以宋庆龄的家庭、教育、个人经历她根本不可能说出任何一句片子里的台词not even close....邬君梅在末代皇帝里和这部里都蛮美的演年轻时的宋美龄蛮合适但也完全演不出宋美龄政治性的那一面反倒是男性角色的选角姜文的赵查理赵文瑄的孙中山(这部里太好看了比喜宴和大明宫词都好看)还有吴兴国的蒋介石(吴兴国是个惊喜比青蛇里的许仙有存在感)都不错
I can’t believe how you looked at me,with your James Dean glossy eyes……speechless没法不叫我腐啊父爱的缺失造成gay倾向的么