影片中弗寥拉多次在离开一个地方前后知后觉而又谨慎万分地捡起差点忘掉的枪遇到了事总得要跑吧这是个人意义上的这是自我但是想想自己的身份啊一名骄傲的游击队员为保护祖国而奋斗着便绝不能丢了武器这是整体意义上的这是超我你可以说人一生都是自我与超我的拉扯也可以说在战争面前先是一个人再是某一作战方的人 看到中段部分的时候想睡觉看完就睡不着了后劲挺大 总结全文:come and to see.
What else can I say... such a gorgeous piece of work. Only imagination is the limit - and think about what happens when you have so great and unlimited imagination that work itself is turned into a universe that turns all our stupid problems of political system, human weaknesses, discrimination ... into funny caricatures.