音乐剧拍电影版能不能放弃无效改编也不要加一些或者难听或者没用的新歌了啊相比起来歌唱表现形式难以融合的通病我都可以忍葡萄成熟时3国语完整版还是一不小心哭了至少Requiem, You Will Be Found, Words Fail, So Big/So Small四首呜呜呜/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
what if you should have watched it with somebody who had quitted the world. Bonnie the Cassandra, the foreboding life-seeer; the fall of Lucifer; the revenge of father to the son. Sexual impotence as the synecdoche for lost paradise. 复乐园、婚礼和无知者之死all within the pastiche of film noir american 有点想哭不知道为什么