一种只有在小说里才会出现的执子之手、相濡以沫的场景让内心会有些许的感动——回归主题:日久生情VS一见钟情谁胜谁负It will tell you the answer. But I bet, the answer isn't the one you want.
7/10the dark side of democracy.前段走的是政治惊悚的路子中后段回归了麦氏兄弟拿手的社团械斗二者在内容和形式上的脱节浪费了梁家辉如此才华横溢的表演两个亮点:1.浴池谈话一节揭示了「隔壁的女孩在线视频观看视频」中政府与社团的流变与转化而一个没有转化的政府必然在内部分化出新的对立派系;2.片中拿着真枪实弹的社团居然畏惧扛着长枪短炮的媒体好笑中带着一丝酸涩
One of the few HK (Sino?) horror films that are comparable to the best of Asian horror cinema in terms of both cinematic texture and thematic thickness. Definitely worth waiting for the HD version.