Love is love. Thanks for seven seasons. So much heart has been poured into this show over the last seven years and the final season is incredibly topical, challenging and bold. 最后一集新编曲的主题曲听得心潮澎湃
结尾演职员表似乎有问题“hong kong crew”China crew"UK crew",Hong Kong 和 China 是不能并列的整体上这部片子给了叶问一个完结而且把语境放在了中美的格局上小丸子让人和大形势有些遐想这种片子功夫片再加狮王争霸系列、武侠金庸系列等香港都拍得很好大陆就拍不出来估计就算拍出来也会被毙掉还是意识形态方面不够自信回归到影片的台词“人啊最重要的其实是自信”
Who agree the last two episodes are sketchy.. good in general though