特理解为什么这部专业评分和大众口碑相差很大因为除去音乐的部分, 拍得实在乏善可陈可舞台的灯光一亮起音乐鼓点和拍手声一响起, 一切就都不一样了把十几分钟的Live Aid放在最后也实在很聪明试问哪个观众听完We are the champions走出影厅不是血脉贲张得像刚看完演唱会这些五星和高分与其说是打给这部电影不如说是人们对这支伟大的乐队和这些经典的作品, 以及为这个世界留下了这么多宝贵legacy的Freddie Mercury的一次致敬(演Roger Taylor的那个男孩子也实在是有点漂亮的)
1. "this is like, the end of capitalism!" 2. wow i might actually go watch The Office for more Steve Carell rants and facepalms; 3. never seen more white dudes in my life; 4. a bunch of hypocritical opportunists portrayed as protagonists (hardly) - "we didn't defraud the American people and prey on their dreams of owning a home like they did" really tho really tho; 5. ex- intro to econ fail of a me pains to watch this without pausing, even with Margot Robbie in a bubble bath