Look I’m sure it was a great tale to tell when it happened in real life and you told it on Twitter but this is cinema! We’ve seen crazier and dopier shit! This is not a cinema story. But I like this director. Hope she finds better stories in the future!
7+ How does Samuels' view of fate differ from that of Costaine's? 今天看很多细节不免粗糙(追杀段诸多蠢萌)但首杀主观长镜头 + 细密钢琴配乐(被好多游戏致敬)+ 沉浸式低沉喘息环绕典型社区营造出的氛围感仍然经典杀不死的恶魔人“Boogeyman” 的设定无疑是反社会的朋友变成了黑色皮肤女生尤其仇女恨性放在时代背景看反杀有趣