终于看完了高清好美味(¯﹃¯)//休叔年轻时候演青涩大学生告白的时候美瞎了//RG叔演基佬超合适嗷嗷嗷甩下情人一件一件穿衣服的时候真是太…挑逗了> /居然圆满结局了原配居然不是无情无义这么美好大丈夫么虐得也超对我胃口//金发萌卷毛萌Sir,Sir,Sir萌到死//'Maurice, I am Maurice.“
aha烧报纸倒放的点子真不戳 Dignity, always dignity. Look at me, I got no glory, I got no fame, I got no big mansions. I got no money. But I've got... What have I got? I don't know. What have you got? I gotta get out of here. The show must going on.