我真的一直以为zeta是rupaul配的…不喜欢自大狂red成人做爰69片免费看网站虽然片中每次都给他bgm all by myself自卑到头就变自负了也不懂silver怎么就看上他了能力远不如她哥chuck3只小鸟鸟和silver才是终极hero吧但最后群众居然对red喊we love u even more. 计划是silver出的mighty eagle拖住zetachuck关监控bomb引走守卫garry出技术 Leonard Courtney和red怎么看都是出力最少的吧群像雕塑C位却是red果然流量说话啊
it's really goodgood actorsgood actinggood plotbeautiful set. especially the plotcouldn't have dealt with it better. 电影本身当然又有一种很主观的自恋般的热情以及对“she's a liar”的诗意化but it is very touching 只是我还是很难relate to the real anna. 作为创作来说很棒 also i can totally get everyone in this fictional story.