这是一部从最开始就决定拍成电视剧的电影不然这一集不会这样剧情简单又含糊不清含着她的花蒂咬到高潮似乎在交代完主角之后电影就结束了如果想知道他们之间真正的发展请看下集吧话说彩蛋的部分完全是电视剧的下集预告手法嘛~P.S.When they were young and weak...and...limited...
she's a ten but she only finds comfort in fictional characters :( 无所指望的现实生活只有虚拟世界才是逃脱的窗口Art is our only salvation from the horror of existence. 不管当下多么糟糕我们总归还有电影
romantic, yet very sad and lonely. i dun even like Mia Farrow, but totally feel for it when she falls for a movie character. i would wanna be able to dream like that sometimes.