这个法语版的《女人的战争》祼女直播APP基本可以用剧中人物的一句台词来总结C'etait juste une blague...实在对法国各种小喜剧充满了无奈大概也是这个哲学思辨大国的无奈喜剧拍的既不是很好笑又伴随着不少装B的空洞竟然才用和“C”同样的拍摄手法在题材上又如此空洞老套真没什么作为啊
hat do you love about the law, Andrew? What I love the most about the law is that every now and again, not often, but occasionally, you get to be a part of just being done. That really is quite a thrill when that happens.
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