OST so good. So Lynch all girls are so beautiful and charming. Plot is entertaining; sophisticated characters. As long as you dont expect some deep insights and love novelty in shooting and story-telling, this is for you.
表演很热情很有生命力 一开始是很感动吗啡 电影现在这个时候再看“世界人民大团结”的电影难免鼻子发酸希望地球村依然是可以想象的再后来是难过时代的沙砾掉在个人头上可能就是毁天灭地的陨石最后是沮丧看他们纪念10周年在想我们有没有机会这样纪念什么社会事件 “Imagine there’s no heaven. Imagine there’s no countries.Imagine no possessions.It isn’t hard to do. ”不是吗