Like everyone said, top-notch on cinematography, sound design and art department, but no story, only vibes. Good for eye, not for brain. The last 20 mins makes the most sense of the movie, like an ending explanation in the ending. The overall tone of the film, or from adult fairy tale aspect, it reminds me of Tale of Tales.
看平铺直叙的前半段时没想到后半段那么幽默那么恶趣味那么sarcastic. 男主那番“置身人群中有问题的不是自己的沟通而是自己的存在”的感言回复术士的重来人生观看还有他对女友们和浪漫关系的状态almost clueless、对其评价完全根据how he was treated and if his need was satisfied在两极当中横跳这两点让我想起了一丢丢自己和很多很多傻狗男性朋友因为女主是发国世另我/Doppelgänger多加一星每当她露出“我可是看透你了”“我简直会信了你的鬼话”式狡黠笑容我特么简直是在照镜子吓人