质地粗糙的一部但满坦诚的外壳是cheesy的浪漫轻喜剧内核是sexual politics in relationship直男对女同性恋的无知二十几年后依然和片中差不多而作为女性、作为女同学恋面对的痛苦、挣扎也没有少几分从这个角度看影片是ahead of time再补一句女友的妈妈4完整视频有翻译英文就像所有讲谈恋爱的电影一样永远是女的从头到尾都清楚发生了什么男的既不知道为什么会爱也不懂为什么会分手女友的妈妈4完整视频有翻译英文就像走神小气候写的不知道男的脑子里是什么下一秒就会手摸高压电
revisited@2018.9: Amazing story telling. So the story is about never give up and it has perfect symmetry in terms of a start and an end for almost every leading actor/actress. Also there are couple exciting scenes throughout the film: the opening climb, the storm, the Nitro, the helicopter and final rescue. Worth looking every ten years.