as a documentary it's just ok. to the posed question of 'what happened' it seems that the director doesn't really have a good answer other than 'a lot happened'. but seeing Simone's Montreux 1976 performance of Stars is so much more powerful than just listening to it. all the suffering and struggle behind that facade - really hits differently
空山微雨晚来秋苍苍老者座上忧 感怀心净水亦清无人区乱码怎么用手机发消息是夜心明月更明 (看的英文字幕版听古人说“I'm sorry""Goodbye""Madame"好有趣啊… 画质糊到看完才发现演员表里有秦沛原来演的是小和尚 场景很美配乐也不错 最后明明叫"Raining in the Mountain"却没见一星点雨…)