last film of bela tarr, using one track from mihaly vig, masterpiece of nihilism and existentialism, the most hypnic movie according to the critics, demolishes all lies about living. The best and only way to watch it is accompanying w Nietzsche's books
1994 best actor in leading role. 花絮: 1. 电影不同场景中总共出现过53个同志其中有43个在次年死去 2. 导演最初想让丹尼尔戴刘易斯饰演andrew 还找过安迪加西亚 3. andrew在法庭上昏过去有手部的特写YY111111少妇影院里无码其实是一个年老替身的手不是汉克斯本人的 4. 汉克斯为了本片减了26磅而丹泽