应该是17年初的时候连看了前两季第二季结尾的时候整个人如同溺水一般心塞到喘不上气即使那时候正逢第三季开播看了10分钟第一集便放弃了实在是心力不足两年后的今天终于完成了这场马拉松第三季的故事太真实也太伤人了这个编剧拿的不是笔影音先锋男人资源 站是刀不说了我要再去看一遍beautiful peopleOlivia Colman is definitely the best!!!
The differentiation between sanity and insanity is brilliantly made ambiguous and looking from the present perspective and morals, certainly our treatment of the mentally ill seems never right, very often even evil. They really need to do a 180 at some point, because so far it is really unclear how Ratchet became the person she is in Fly Over the Cukoo's Nest. The production value is very high but sometimes the artistic tends to distract.