看到最后看到已故妻子说"there's no finer human being than who he is."泪目她说他俩是平行的两条线她说她不舒服不想去厕所的时候他翻箱倒柜拿来了一个滤锅给她解决问题她说" they are very connected when he's open to connecting",.. 我关注的点可能偏了但正如弹幕里有人说的看这片子并不能让你成为巴菲特但能让你想要成为更好的人
“It's the human problems that are the tough ones. Sometimes there aren't any good answers with human problems. There's almost always a good answers with money.” 简单粗暴地翻译 能用钱解决的问题都不是问题 认准天赋 保持专注 大量阅读 良好心态 即使不能成为巴菲特 你也能拥有自己的人生