A. 这是阿莫多瓦对记忆私密角落的温柔回顾与真诚坦白情感涌动却不泛滥小母牛俄剧无删减版只是静静地汇流直至自传体叙事在结尾达成戏里戏外的统一:电影与生活本为一物而讲述正是与自我和解的唯一可能Antonio Banderas真是把沧桑与柔情演到了极致像极了一头迟缓孤独又倔强的老狮子
This is one of the classic Soviet silent films. The story is about a family torn apart by a worker's strike. At first, the mother wants to protect her family from the troublemakers, but eventually she realizes that her son is right and the workers should strike. The plot is simil