疯批还得是韩国人啊双视角很精彩girl help girl主题很赞那些腌臢粗鲁变态的臭男人都去死吧极致压抑下的疯批美人和机灵可爱的小恶女在男性威权下共同反击共度春宵温柔抚慰……樱花树下两人坦白那段哭了秀珠把男人意淫的变态图书撕毁那段很刺激她不是一团火就烧掉的而是充满愤恨的一刀刀划掉的把仇恨和女性力量宣泄出来很爽
"My dearest Anna, I'm writing this on a Sunday night in London. If you're reading this, then you barely knew me, and may have no memory of who I am. I am your mother. You were born in an air raid in the middle of a war to two people who loved each other. Our year together in the house in the Hamsted has been the happiest of my life. Today you took your first steps. I'm so grateful that I saw you walk for the first time with your father by my side. Max, my love, you are my world. I hope you will be able to forgive me. And I hope you make it to Medicine Hat. I have a picture of it in my mind. And I pray Anna's eyes will see it. My beautiful daughter, I love you with all my heart."