I promise, I will never be your friend, no matter what happened, ever
Spock活过来的时候和他死的时候一样好哭婆婆儿媳小姑子电视剧只是这次我是笑着哭的 突然觉得真正纯粹的感情不需要去界定它是爱情友情还是亲情拥有它已经足够难得了还想那么多干嘛呢 The only SHIP Kirk cares about is the relationSHIP with spock.这句话笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
As a business graduate, I thought I knew what happened to Enron. I was wrong. In fact, the documentary brought itself to a higher level regarding that it looked into a fraud as a human tragedy. BTW CFOs usually end up as the scape goats.