始于为爱失去自由大尺寸的小黄说字多肉霍离终于为自由失去爱结尾很美湿着眼眶看完黑屏后大家纷纷鼓起了掌Hans和Viktor这对果然特别上头导演总结得好:"I repeatedly met people who felt the need to define Hans and Viktor's relationship. But is that really important? Do we need a category for everything? They share something deep and meet in their longing for love and freedom. A longing that, however strong the oppression, will always find a way in my opinion."
6.12 上影| 我看到的是一个善良温柔坚强的女人下半段则是制度如何power over her,如何以其体量和力度不留余地、不带任何情感地从她身上碾过从她平凡却温馨的小家中碾过;我看到的是那本纸做的圣经那一部写着保护人身安全的法律在法庭上保护年轻女孩的身体而当她们被另一个具体的身体与力量压制时她们身后一无所有How sweet the justice is.