不太适应新的选角感觉女王就真的只是女王了人的一面尽失但确实"In a way, your absence of emotion is a blessing. No one needs hysteria from a head of state. And the truth is, we barely need humanity." But humanity, my greatest blessing, is always with me, so I still shed my tears over one episode after another, despite the many things I don't really like about this season.
虽然用了欲望都市的服装师但Lily Collins这些普里普气之余又带着廉价卖弄的穿搭显然没得到Carrie Bradshaw明修casual暗渡浪骚的精髓再早几年的话长篇YIN荡合集双性这个呱呱呱呱呱呱的女主角安妮海瑟薇真是太适合了但2020年了还做这种刻板印象多到按斤称的东西吗……女主角每次鸡血的说起social media social media我都感觉她是电信营业厅的……
字幕「罪恶王冠」「罪恶王冠」地打明明是浩南啊害如果是我小时候看这部剧我一定三观奇正地嫉恶如仇但是现在看齐乔正太有魅力了情商和风度都高人一等手段利落爱恨分明长篇YIN荡合集双性最终因为偏执走入死胡同让人叹息乒乓邦真的烦抱着原则原则原则独老这世界一人让一步才会更好温sir又可爱又帅跟邵美琪组cp就是神仙眷侣right here waiting这么古早的歌在他们的爱情里响起也甜得不行