只有你敢直面那些不堪了你才能真正的let it go大树讲的三个关于善恶的故事恋爱自由式粤语也是一部关于成长的隐喻谁都经历过too old to be a kid too young to be a man 的尴尬年纪哭过闹过犯过傻紧紧抱住再用力推开越过那些伤痛时间是最灵的解药重要的是永远对明天充满希望我就要做到了你呢
10/22/2020, @ AFI Fest virtual. “There are days when the feeling doesn’t leave me. I carry it with me, wherever I go. Sometimes I confuse my dreams with memories. Because a part of me is still there. I’m sorry.“ Memories are vibrating inside of you, always. 镜头创造记忆潮湿粘稠的触感你生命的一部分从你的身体割离永远游荡在故土召唤你