cringy as always, 但是和上一季比起来肯定差多了第一集也交代了国产男女猛烈无遮挡免费视频就是预算不足从中间往后开始就埋大家要离开的伏笔没想到最后又硬拽了回来整个一季的及一点就是第三集中国代表团和最后一集的fuck Microsoft, 最后一个镜头和网飞自家大电影Don't Look Up 无缝衔接应该是没有第三季了吧
There's a hole in the side of the boat. That hole is never going to be fixed and it's never going away and you can't get a new boat. This is your boat, what you have to do is bail water out faster than it's coming in.