结尾处理得很不错这一季也充满了各种荒诞意味too big to fall打扑克不盖被子的视频这个令人拍案叫绝的弥天大谎实在是没办法让它曝光Marlo没有得到应有的惩罚Omar和Joe都被草率地杀掉Mc、Lester和Daniel这些认真干活的人也没办法继续自己喜爱的事业只有Bubs的结局稍微让人好受一点总体而言打扑克不盖被子的视频这个结局有点残忍也有点真实此剧是非常好的美国社会与历史文本
-I'd hate to see you carry an official reprimand in your career life because of me. -Fox... -I even made my parents call me Mulder. So Mulder. -Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you. -If there's an ice tea in that bag, could be love. 神回21集 阴谋论入门 The truth is out there Trust no one