In addition to its geographical component, home is a spiritual possession that people feel attached, or sometimes entitled to. With a nostalgic mixture, this film captures the complexity of feelings to the notion of home, and eventually, unveils the modern syndrome of gentrification and the dynamics between city and human existence
1.警察对被杀手胁迫杀人的男孩Sanford说:you put them in the ground,you can take them out of the ground.好残酷的警察,这个男孩所遭受的比被杀的男孩更要残忍!Every time they got in the truck,I just wanted to die.毕竟他还是一个有良知的男孩,一个年仅5岁的孩子,就像那个捣乱的男孩说的: You can't do that,I'm just a kid.可怜又无语的无知孩童啊. 2.侥幸