evil, pure evil. 这些满口反纳粹的人给我免费播放片高清在线观看其实和纳粹有啥两样把某些名词改改说故事发生在纳粹德国毫无违和感当然说发生在李海国更加毫无违和感看到结尾同学们上车跑路一幕突然想到今时今日的我们是不是和他们一样呢最后的机会go west再不跑的话等“柏林墙”建好就真的死翘了
Our life is nothing but a boat adrift on water.balanced by permanent uncertainty.about the people whom you will judge.all they do is struggling to find a kind of security.they're just people.like us.therefore.you mustn't judge them on the basis of appearance or hearsay.turst no one.examine all things yourself.don't join with power.despite all ranks