08/09/2023 映后导演见面会 Nice! While the first half of the movie reminded me of some French movies, the second half referenced many Hollywood movies, and even made me think of Michelle Yeoh and Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Very creative and sincere!
在80年代艾滋这个题材上无论用再多喜剧元素和激昂的配乐都掩盖不了彻骨的哀伤与恐惧历史里的血与泪是每一个lgbt人士战斗过的痕迹最近日本字幕MV高清在线是在风刀霜剑里起舞微笑的证明做自己很难但所幸始终有人在前行In this world there is a kind of painful progress, longing for what we left behind and dreaming ahead