忘了是和乙方小姐姐还是谁沟通的时候听对方感叹了一句:现在国内只要一提女权就立刻被上纲上线然而本片对于这个话题的阐述少妇搡BBBB搡BBB搡并没有让人有丝毫可以挑剔的地方前两天看《差差差很疼30分钟无掩盖W98》的时候看到一句话“Storybooks for womensacredbooks for men”要是男的都侍奉上帝那特么这个世界可更加够呛了
"Just found a crazy relevant movie that was crazy ahead of it's time...watch Strange Days (1995). It's nuts." Saw that on his Facebook page and went to watch this. It's not "ahead of its time", it's just that bigotry was passed on. Also he's a fucking pussy ass bitch.