故事和感情线都可以用支离破碎来形容感情线铺垫不够蜜芽网站域名完全没有眼神儿拉丝暗流流动情难自抑之类的感觉然后就莫名其妙的发生了故事的核心能大概 get 到想讲女性力量女性相吸互助但为啥埋了一堆无用的暗线理解全凭观众想象留白过多就变成了讲不好故事了
You ---who brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me? There is so much to say. . . I can not find the words. Except for these --I love you!