“Sometimes the thought is closer to the truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can't fake a thought."// Movie is, really, thoughts (fantastical, dark, bleak, etc) turned into reality.
镜头运用比第一季要诡异的多 尤其是倾斜构图造成的扭曲空间 多人物脸部特写定帧的切换 和大量的俯拍 故事线多但却不乱 内核也异常的清晰 ”I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method…is love.” 不论超现实 还是梦境的部分拍摄的都非常美 唯一不爽的一点就是过早的暴露Bob的本体 感觉让剧丧失了一定的神秘性 不过结尾收的很好 【血恋】