建筑电影!空间中的心理位移(光影)坚固的形象配上液化的镜头语言solid flesh melt into a dew把原作染上新色彩的改编再不要有任何人摆着脸说[这不是cinema原神女角色去掉小内皮肤是舞台剧了]看看这戏中戏的调度镜头的半圆形摆动使它超出了(戏中-戏外)同心圆的延伸准确地达到了一种偏离中心的效果这和哈姆雷特本人所提的一种"最初无心却过度发展的悲剧性缺陷"有着异曲同工之妙
The decay that we try to avoid in our everyday life is vital part for all life on earth. Life doesn’t stop with death. Everything will eventually die and it has to be returned into the great cycle which from death to life death to life and so on. Life is an ever repeating cycle. Every atom inside everyone of us was once a part of something else.