攝影還是很合格的美女和帅哥在床上亲热是Jean Louis Vialard代表的是法國的水平功勞也在歐洲審美上所以基本上和亞洲甚至台灣關係不大李鸿其演的挺好不過有很多地方還是用力過猛這似乎是他的大優點但也是大弱點何蔚庭很重視光影但是故事並沒有說好對白也常常讓人覺得出離是一部自我風格化理念在先的敘事類型但硬傷真的有點多
You are in pain.But the thing you lost is the same thing that can stop that pain. Happiness is amazing.It’s so amazing ,it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not. A society grows great when old men plant trees the shade which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people.Tha’s it.The end.